Setting up your personal information
To update your personal information, such as email account, address, contact information and so on.
1. Click on your Profile picture, and select My Profile.
2. Click Edit to edit/update your profile.
3. You can update all fields in your profile, except the username field.
Key Information
- Report to: Enter your supervisor name.
- Organization:Enter your business unit or division.
Personal Information
Note: The system administrator can add/edit the fields shown in Personal Information.
- Title: Select your personal title.
- Email: Enter your business email address.
- First Name: Enter your first name.
- Last Name: Enter your family name.
- Employee Code: Enter your employee code.
- Profile Pictures: Attach your business profile picture.
Application Setting
- Theme: Select theme of your view (Classic or Material).
- Display Time Zone: Set time zone for the timestamp fields like created date, last modified date etc.
- Theme Color: Select your theme color.
- UI Language: Select the display of your language.
- Currency Unit: Select a unit of currency you want to use.
- Date Format: Set the display of date.
- Date Separator: Select date separator e.g., the slash ( / ), the hyphen ( - ) or the period ( . )
- Time Format: Set the display of time format.
Note: User Access and Set Layout will be configured by your system administrator.
4. Click Save to apply changes.
Last modified on Sep 20, 2018