A grid view is a graphical control element that presents a tabular view of data. It will display data in row and column like Spreadsheet

Follow below steps to create grid view
- Click on
button. - Select Create New Grid View

3. On the Create New Grid view screen, enter the view name and description.

4. Go to Search Criteria tab.

5. Specify your filter criteria: Select filter criteria to specify conditions that the selected records must match. For example, Account Type equals Customer.
6. Specify filter logic: If you have more than one filter, you can define the logic between each filter. A number is used to represent each filter, such as 1 for the first filter, 2 for the second filter and so on. You can use these numbers with AND and OR operators to find matching records.
For example, if your view has these filters:
- Account Type equals Customer
- Employees is greater than 2000
- Industry Type equals Banking
To apply filter logic, enter each filter line number and separated by a filter logic operator.
See below for a complete list of filter logics:
- 1 AND 2 AND 3: Match any records that account type is customer and employees is greater than 2000 and industry type is banking.
- 1 OR 2 OR 3: Match any records that account type is customer or employees is greater than 2000 or industry type is banking.
- (1 AND 2) OR 3: Match any records that account type is customer and employeesis greater than 2000 or any records that industry type is banking.
- 1 AND (2 OR 3): Match any records that account type is customer and any records that employees is greater than 2000 or industry type is banking.
If you leave Filter Logic field blank, Witly will automatically apply AND to all filters.
7. Go to Display Columns and Sort Order tab.

8. Select fields to be displayed: You can choose fields to be displayed in your view by selecting a field name and click Add or Remove. Use Up and Down button to arrange the order of the fields.
9. Sorting your records: Select the fields that you want to sort by, then choose the ascending or descending option.
10. Number of records: Select the number of records displayed per page.
11. Click Save button to save your view.
12. You will redirect to module home screen. You can select your view by clicking on the list at the top left of this screen. You data will display in tabular format as picture below.

Additional, you can set more option for view as following
13. Go to General Options tab.
a. Auto Refresh: Set the view to retrieve data every N seconds.
b. Default View: Make this view as default and always load when open the module home page.
c. Allow Multiple Select: Allow user to select multiple records.

14. Go to Shared View tab.
15. Shared View: You can share this view to other users by selecting Role and click Add or Remove. The shared view will be visible to all users under selected roles.

16. Mobile View: This view will use when you are access Witly from Witly’s mobile app. The view will display as card user interface (Card UI). To add fields; Drag the fields from the field list into the section.

Last modified on Sep 19, 2018