Admin Manual / Overview / About Witly
About Witly

Witly is a web-based platform used to create enterprise grade apps for your business without the need of IT or technical resources. With Witly visual designer, you can easily create apps, automate processes, analyze business performance using ready-to-use report and dashboard without writing any code. You can also access your app from any device at anytime and anywhere. 

Understanding the concepts and terms of Witly will help you to easily create an application. 

  • Module – a container of your information. To create Module, you need to define fields, workflow, action, and so on. For example, you can create a Customer module to manage your customer information. 
  • Field – a specific data type that collects and stores your information (e.g. email, customer name and product ID).
  • Field Layout – an organization of the data fields based on user’s role. For example, you can allow one user to edit and enter the information while another user can only view the information.
  • Relationship – the association between any two modules.
  • Record – an individual listing of related information consisting of a number of related fields.
  • View – a complete list of records that meet your desired criteria.
  • Report – a formatted collection of information created to provide insightful data. It comes in tabular, summary, matrix, chart and gauge format.
  • Dashboard – a dashboard is the graphical representation of the data generated by a report (or multiple reports).
  • Workflow – a tool to help you design and run your business process.
  • Action – a process designed to limit data access for users. For example, the action “Edit” allows users to edit the records and the action “Delete” allows users to delete the records
  • Screenflow – a process designed to control the field layout display.
  • App – a group of modules created to present associated information. For example, CRM app consists of Sale, Marketing and Customer Service module.
  • FormPrintable document, e.g., quotation and invoice. 
  • Integrations - give you the ability to connect with other service.
  • Notifications - custom alerts that you can set up to inform your team what is going on.
  • Roles and permissions - a ways for you to control who can see or edit data within your modules.
Last modified on Jul 03, 2018