Admin Manual / Screenflow Management / Create Screenflow
Create Screenflow

To create Screenflow, you can follow the steps below;

  1. Click on Screenflow menu.

  1. You will be directed to Screenflow Homepage.

  1. Select the desired Module.
  2. Click Create Screenflow, you will be directed to Create Screenflow screen which consists of the following information.

a. Name: Screenflow name. 

b. Role: The role of users who will be using this screenflow.

c. Layout Type: The Field Layout type which is Edit and Detail.

d. Page Layout: Field Layout based on the chosen Layout type.

e. Enable: To Enable/Disable this screenflow

f. Description: Detail description for the screenflow.

g. Conditions: The conditions to display the screenflow. 

Screenflow will be proceeded when there are the following conditions.

  1. The working module is assigned with the screenflow.
  2. Users navigate to Edit or Detail screen. 
  3. User role matches with the role specified in the screenflow.
  4. The working record has the conditions as specified in the screenflow

When the above conditions are met, Witly will display Field Layout based on the screenflow assigned for each condition. If there is no screenflow assigned, Witly will display the default Field Layout.

Last modified on Apr 10, 2018