On Edit screen, let users fill in the information based on the customer type by having the information entered with two different steps. In step 1, users have to enter the customer type; In step 2, users have to enter industry type and annual revenue if it is a Business customer or enter sex and annual income if it is a Personal customer.
Follow the steps below to create Screenflow.
- Navigate to the Customer module and add the following fields.
1.1. Add Customer Type as picklist field.
1.2. Add Industry Type as picklist field.
1.3. Add Annual Revenue as number field.
1.4. Add Sex as picklist field.
1.5. Add Annual Income as number field.
2. Edit Field Layout called “Default Edit” by adding Customer Type field.
3. Follow the steps below to create Field Layout named “Business Field Edit Layout”.
3.1. Layout Type: Select Edit View.
3.2. Name: Enter Business Field Edit Layout.
3.3. Section: Add Business Information section.
3.4. Add Field Industry Type and Annual Revenue field in Business Information section.
4. Follow the steps below to create create Field Layout named “Personal Field Edit Layout”.
4.1. Layout Type: Select Edit View.
4.2. Name: Enter Personal Field Edit Layout.
4.3. Section: Add Personal Information section
5. Add Sex and Annual Income field in Personal Information section.
6. Follow the steps below to create screenflow named “Business Edit View”.
6.1. Navigate to screenflow and select the Customer module.
6.2. Click Create Screenflow.
6.3. You will be directed to Create Screen Flow screen. Enter the following information.
6.3.1. Name: Enter Business Edit View.
6.3.2. Role: Select Administrator or other roles you want.
6.3.3. Layout Type: Select Edit View.
6.3.4. Page Layout: Select Business Edit Layout.
6.3.5. Enabled: Checked.
6.3.6. Conditions: Set Customer Type equals Business.
7. Follow the steps below to create screenflow named “Personal Edit View”.
7.1. Name: Enter Personal Edit View.
7.2. Role: Select Administrator or other roles you want.
7.3. Layout Type: Select Edit View.
7.4. Page Layout: Select Personal Edit Layout.
7.5. Enabled: Checked.
7.6. Conditions: Set Customer Type equals Personal.
When the new customer record is created, you should see the screen display with two steps and the display in step 2 will vary depending on the chosen customer type in step 1.
Last modified on Apr 10, 2018