Follow the steps below to create new module.
- Navigate to the Create Module screen by clicking Create Module.
- On Create Module screen, you must name the module. If your app supports multiple languages, you may click to name your module in other languages.
- Provide detailed information about the module in description field
- Select module type.
- Upload module icon by clicking and select an image from your local files. Witly supports image size with 16px, 24px, 32px and 48px. You can choose 48px size and apply to all sizes by checking on Apply 48px to all size option. By assigning the module icon, it helps users to easily navigate through the modules. If there is no module icon assigned, Witly will use the first letter of the module name by default.
- Click Save to create a new module.
The following fields will be created by default every time you create new module in Witly.
- Owner: User who owns the record.
- Created Date: The date when record was created.
- Created By: Name of the user who created the record
- Last Modified Date: The date when the record was last modified.
- Last Modified By: Name of the user who last modified the record.
Last modified on Apr 09, 2018