Admin Manual / Create Application / Manage Field / Create New Field
Create New Field

  1. Navigate to Create Field screen by selecting Fields tab at the Module Detail screen, then click Create Field.

  1. Label: Enter the field name. If your app supports multiple languages, you can click  to name your field in other languages.
  2. Data Type: Select your field data type.
  3. Field type: The “Key” field type will be shown on the screen in a format such as sidebar, link, etc. Only one key field is accepted per module. You should use a unique field as the key field such as Product ID or Customer Code. The “Description” field type will be used on the search result screen to show additional information on search results. You should use the Description field type for the field such as Description and Comment. 
  4. Help Text: This option can be used to display a specific value such as a tooltip message, which will be displayed when users place the cursor on the question mark icon next to the field.
  5. Click on Field Information tab.
  6. Max Length: Specify the field size.
  7. Default Value: Specify the initial value of the field when creating the record.
  8. Click on General Options tab to set field attribute:

Field Attribute



Makes the field unique and prevent   duplicate field values.


Makes the field required.

Read Only

Makes the field read only and prevent   it from being edited. 

Allow Navigation

Makes the field navigable in data grid   view.

Allow Search

Makes the field search.

Allow Filter

Makes the field filter.

Allow Clone

Make data of this field clone.

 10. Click Save to create new field.

Last modified on Sep 21, 2018