Admin Manual / Create Application / Manage Field / Create Picklist Field
Create Picklist Field

Picklist field allows users to select a single value from a list that you define. The list is global which means it can be used in other Picklist fields and any changes you make to the list will affect all fields that use the values from it.

Manage List

Follow the steps below to add or edit the list and its values.

  1. Navigate to the List Homepage screen by clicking List Management link on Setting Homepage.

  1. Click Create List to navigate to the Create List screen.

  1. Name: Enter list name.
  2. Order by Name: Select the checkbox to sort your list values by alphabetical order.
  3. Click Save to create new list, then you will be directed to the List Detail screen.

  1. Click Add Item to navigate to the Add List Values screen.      

  1. Name: Enter list name. 
  2. Display As: Select the display style for the item list. You can choose either icon style or color style.
  3. List Item Permission: Select a role that you want to show the list values. 
  4. Cascade: Assign a set of cascading drop-down list for selected value. For example, if you have the country list consists of United States, United Kingdom, France and etc., you may assign the state name, e.g., NY, FL, TX, and LA as a set of cascading drop-down list for United States and assign the city name, e.g., London, Bristol, Chester and Leeds as a set of cascading drop-down list for United Kingdom.
  5. Click Save to create list values. Repeat the above steps to create another value.
  6. Click Reorder to sort your list values by drag-n-drop the  icon.

Create new picklist field

  1. On the Module Detail screen, click Create Field.
  2. Label: Enter field name.
  3. Data Type: Select Picklist for Data Type, Picklist field will be displayed.

  1. Picklist: Select List you want to use.
  2. Display Type: Select the display type for the field. You can choose either Picklist or radio button.
  3. Default Value: Select a value listed from that Picklist as a default value.
  4. Set field attribute
  5. Click Save to create new field.
Last modified on Aug 20, 2018