Admin Manual / Create Application / Manage Field / Field Level Security
Field Level Security

Witly has 2 levels of field security; data encryption and field visibility. This features are used to restrict users from viewing field’s content you want to keep private.

Data Encryption

Before you begin working with encrypted fields, review follow implementation notes.

Implementation Notes

  • Encrypted fields are encrypted with 128-bit master keys and use the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) algorithm.
  • Cannot be unique or have default values.
  • Are not available for use in filters such as workflow, screenflow, views, reports, etc.
  • Cannot be used to define report criteria, but they can be included in report results.
  • Are not searchable, but they can be included in search results.
  • Encrypted fields are editable regardless of whether the user has the “View Encrypted Data” permission. Use validation rules, field-level security settings, or field layout settings to prevent users from editing encrypted fields.
  • You can still validate the values of encrypted fields using validation rules.
  • Existing fields cannot be converted into encrypted fields nor can encrypted fields be converted into another data type.

Use encrypted custom fields only when regulations require or you want to keep field’s content private because they involve more processing and have search-related limitations.

Follow the steps below to set data encryption.

  1. Click Create New Field button at module detail screen.
  2. Select field data type: Only basic type that supported for field encryption including text, number and date.
  3. Click on Encrypt Data tab.
  4. Checking on Encrypt the contents this field to enable fiend contents encryption.
  5. Specific user who can access this field content
  • Specified Role: All user in selected role can access field content. 
  • Specified User: User who can access field content.

You cannot edit or decrypt the encrypted content of the field. Only users with the permission View Encrypted Data can see data in encrypted fields and users who don’t have this permission will see the field content as Encrypted Data in record detail screen, view and report.

Field Visibility

Follow the steps below to set field visibility.

  1. Click on Visibility tab on field edit screen.
  2. Select role that you want to see this field. Note: Field visibility is default to all role when creating new field.

User who don’t have visibility permission will not see this field on record detail screen, view and report 

Last modified on Sep 21, 2018