Admin Manual / Workflow Management / Workflow Concept / Workflow Action
Workflow Action

Workflow Actions are the procedures that would be executed when criteria are met. When a record meets all the criteria for a workflow conditions, the actions will be executed. 

See types of actions you can assign to the Workflow below.

  • Approval: Automated process that your org can use to approve the record with particular conditions. For example, sales must get a discount approval when there is an opportunity with discount greater than 30%. The record can only be edited after the approval process is done (either approved or rejected) but it cannot be edited during the approval process.
  • Update Record: When the workflow condition is evaluated to TRUE, you can set up Action to update the field values. For example, when a contact record is created, update the Active field value to TRUE.
  • Create Record: Create a related record with predefined field values when the workflow rule is evaluated. For example, when a contact is created, a task record will be automatically created.
  • Validation Rule: Verify the data entry of the record by users whether it meets the standard you specify before they can save it. You can also display error messages to users when they enter invalid values based on specified criteria. Using these rules effectively contributes to quality data.
  • Confirm Message: To show custom alert message with Cancel and Confirm button.
  • Sharing: Automatically share working records to the specific users or roles.
  • HTTP Target: Send the data to other systems via HTTP request.

Last modified on Jan 23, 2018