Admin Manual / Workflow Management / Workflow Setting Example / Confirm Message
Confirm Message

Assume that you want the system to show a confirmation message when sales representative request for discount more than 30%.

Module: Opportunity

Event: Create or Update

Condition: Discount more than 30%

Action: Show a confirmation message “Discount more than 30%. Press Confirm to continue, or Cancel to stay on the current page”

Follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to Workflow Homepage and select Opportunity module.
  2. Click Create Workflow.
  3. Name your workflow and execute order.
  4. Select Create or Update for Record Event.
  5. Set conditions: Total discount is greater than 30% and Stage does not equal Close won/Contract Signed.

  1. Click on Actions tab and click on create action
  2. Select Confirm Message for Action Type.
  3. Enter “Discount more than 30%. Press Confirm to continue, or Cancel to stay on the current page” in confirm message textbox.

 9. Click Save.

The pop-up window below shows how a confirmation message displays on user screen when the record is saved and the conditions are met.

Last modified on Jun 18, 2018