Admin Manual / Workflow Management / Workflow Setting Example / Sharing

Assume that you want to share the customer record to other users when the customer status equals prospect.

Module: Customer

Event: Create or Update

Condition: Customer status equals Prospect

Action: Share record to other users

Follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to Workflow Homepage and select Customer module.
  2. Click Create Workflow.
  3. Name your workflow and execute order.
  4. Select Create or Update for Record Event.
  5. Set conditions: Customer Status = Prospect

  1. Click on Actions tab and click on create action
  2. Select Sharing for Action Type.
  3. Select user that you want to share or select role to share to all user in that role.
  4. Select share level.

Note: If sharing occurs from Workflow, sharing role will be Workflow value only.

Create the customer record and change its status to prospect to see if it would be automatically shared to other users.

Last modified on Jun 18, 2018